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Various systems require an internal audit. Within some systems such as GlobalGAP you may run it yourself. In more complex systems, you must organise an internal audit by a "third party" who is demonstrably competent. In both cases, you can also choose to perform the audit in its entirety or in conjunction with WK - Consultancy.

Supplier audits
Responsibility in the supply chain is increasingly important. It is not only your own actions that are considered important but also those of your suppliers. auditYour suppliers are an important part of your business, both for supplying raw materials and / or semi-finished products and for the elimination of waste. Making demands on suppliers is a good start, and encouraging supplier responsibility can be a next step. Supplier audits provide you with an insight into how your suppliers cope with environmental, safety, sustainability issues or meet the legal requirements. The possible risks to your business are thus made transparent, and through this, the performance of your suppliers. Performing a supplier assessment and / or vendor audits and service that WK-Consultancy with you and / or you like performing.

M&S Select Farm
Wim Klompenhouwer is a qualified Marks & Spencer Field to Fork auditor.